Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A glimpse of Enlightenment

Some experiences are difficult to express in words and in fact all words do is convey a limited understanding of the true essence of any experience one may have had. So this is my attempt to explain an experience we had this weekend which is almost impossible to express and convey in words as to what actually happened to us.

I have been on a Spiritual path for many years now and my understanding of reality, life and Universe has been slowly but surely evolving and I am at a place where a lot of life's big mysteries have been revealed to me. This journey is infinite so it will be preposterous to claim that I know it all since there is so much to learn and it is a never ending process. In the grand scale of the Universe, I will always be a child and there will always be lessons to learn and insights to gain. 

So here is my attempt to explain a magical and mystical life changing experience that we had this weekend.

Me and my wife took our annual retreat to an island called Koh Chang. Having lived in Bangkok for many years, Koh Chang is our favorite gateway and we make it a point to visit the island almost every year. Besides the unspoiled beauty of the place, pristine beaches, jungles and friendly people, one of the reason we go there is also to experience the magic of mushrooms. 

Magic mushrooms as they are commonly called is mainly used in the modern day world for recreational purposes. But the mushrooms go way beyond that, they are a tool which connects us to the spiritual realm if used in the right way and with the right intention. Ancient civilizations have widespread documentation of mushroom use, both ritualistically and also for meditation purposes. Magic Mushrooms have played a huge role in Humanity's evolution and Terrence Mckenna even claims that ancient apes first ate the mushroom which connected them to the Earth's consciousness and taught them many things including art and culture which eventually gave birth to Human consciousness. Due to a lot of propaganda and hidden history, the significance and the role played by mushrooms is buried and lost thus not many are aware of it in today's world. There are accounts in both Indian Vedas and Western literature where Mushrooms were termed, "The Food of the Gods". Vedic literature talks about a drink called 'Soma', an elexir that gave mortals eternal life and enabled them communion with the Gods. A lot of evidence points to Soma being some kind of a mushroom drink. In fact, the Vatican also has many hidden references to mushrooms in its art and sculptors. There are many interesting articles and documentaries on it and I am sure there is some degree of truth to them. I can go on and on about the significance of mushrooms but there are many articles out there if one wants to learn more.

We first tried the mushrooms at Koh Chang in 2014, more so for recreational purposes. Having had many mushroom trips at various places, the mushrooms at Koh Chang was different. It was potent and pure. When we did it, we felt connected to the Earth. The sky, the plants, the sea and everything around spoke to us. It was visually stunning and we felt that we were a part of something much greater than ourselves. It was a healing experience every time and mostly it showed us things that were outside in a different perspective.

But this time, it was different and I will explain why. We did the mushrooms at around 10 PM at night and got back to our resort. The first hour of the trip is the most difficult one. The mushroom slowly creep in to the blood stream and the body is very uncomfortable at this point. There is anxiety and restlessness, and also a feeling of uncertainty of not knowing where it will go. Once this period is seen through, the true magic is experienced. So for the first hour, with soothing Native American flute in the background in our room, we felt the mushrooms kicking in. It is almost like a roller-coaster ride. It was after an hour and a half of having drank the mushrooms that we decided to step out of the room. The resort had a beautiful garden overlooking the vast sea and the sky. We stepped out, went and sat on one of the reclining chairs. That is when the mushroom truly kicked in and spoke to us.

Unlike previous experiences which were mainly visual trips, this time it showed us what was within. It showed us the Universe that exists within our Being and how truly magnificent it was. Words came out from my mouth and these were wise, ancient words filled with truth. My wife heard these words and immediately understood and related to it. 

The words that came out were something like this, "Right now, the mushrooms has opened up a different dimension within us. We are experiencing a different dimension from our usual sensory perceptions and all these dimensions exist and are real. Our brain receives electromagnetic waves which our senses interpret to perceive reality. Right now, our brain is tuned to a different frequency which is making us experience a different reality but it exists here and now. Reality is like a TV program, there are 100s of channels floating in the air at the same time but the picture that comes in the TV is because it is tuned to that one frequency. If you change the channel, the frequency gets changed and some other picture will form in the TV. Just like this, infinite realities exists, in different planets, galaxies and dimensions in this Universe. It is all happening within us, it is not happening separate from us. We are just tuned to this one channel on Earth right now but all other channels are also there and we are experiencing all of these channels without being aware of them. We are truly multi-dimensional Beings. Psychedelics like Mushrooms, Ayahuasca open us up to our multi-dimensional selves and enables us to explore this world. That is what the Shaman does, this is how he/she is able to explore the Universe, both the past and future as it all exists within the self." 

Having said these words, a profound insight arose. I felt the presence behind all these realities & dimensions, you can say the true reality behind all other realities. And that's when I knew it, it is the 'I AM' presence. People have named it 'Christ Consciousness/Buddha/Krishna Consciousness/The True Self etc' and many other words to describe it. For a brief moment, this consciousness sprung in us. And it was a feeling of pure unbounded bliss and peace, a complete understanding of everything, a state of existence where there were no thoughts a.k.a no mind and it felt like a primordial, ancient but very known feeling that arose in both of us. We felt this presence everywhere, in everything, it was life itself. At that moment, we both felt like very ancient Beings, having always existed, where both past and future merged into the now, where multiple dimensions all came together at that very moment and we felt true empowerment where there was absolutely no fear. Is this what Enlightenment is? 

We were dumbfounded by this experience and as the mushroom wore off, we slowly came back to our usual normal self and that feeling slowly went away but it has left a life long impression on us. The mushrooms gave us a glimpse of the true reality, the one that sages spoke of, the ultimate truth of who we really are. Suddenly we both felt truly healed and excited to live out the journey that life has already planned ahead for us. Words cannot express the feeling but this is my attempt to do so. This experience could also be a result of other factors such as Janmasthami (an auspicious day which marks Krishna's birth) along with Meteor showers that happened that night. It was a powerful night to trip on Mushrooms.

I have come to the realization that the Mushrooms gave us a glimpse of enlightenment but only for a brief moment. The sages like Buddha, Ramana Maharishi  and other enlightened masters reached there through their own inner work, devoid of any substance and once they were there, it permanently set in. The 'I Am' expressed itself in them and they were able to live in that state of pure joy, bliss and peace without any desires and complete stillness.

I feel grateful to have had this experience and the one lesson I have learned from this experience is that who we truly are is beyond anything we can imagine. The 'I AM' presence lives within all of us. It creates Universes and everything that exists and it is infinite, truly powerful and is the source of everything.  

Thursday, June 16, 2016

There are never any coincidences in life, ever!

Many experiences and events in my life has made me conclude that there are no coincidences but are rather an alignment of the stars where the Universe brings forth exactly what is required for you at that particular moment of time. It is easy to brush aside some of these events as mere coincidences but there is a lot more to it than just that. A deeper analysis has revealed to me that life is not a random play of events with mere coincidences but it is actually planned, directed, orchestrated and created by a much higher intelligence which we as Humans with our limited minds cannot currently comprehend.

The story below of my new electric guitar which I just bought from the US is one such story which reinforces my understanding of what I stated earlier i.e. there are never any coincidences in life, ever!

These pictures are of my new guitar which I just bought from the US, an American Standard, Made in USA, Fender Telecaster. Its an awesome guitar that has a brilliant tone and feel, I absolutely love it. The way I found this guitar is quite a story because it almost seems as if it was meant to be in my possession. A brand new 'Made in USA' Fender guitar is very expensive and I did not have the budget for it. I was going to buy a 'Made in Mexico' Fender guitar which is half the price but definitely a lot lower in quality. 

So while we were walking around in Haight Ashbury street (which btw is the origin of where the hippie movement began) in San Francisco, we came across this Guitar store very randomly. 

I had no plans to visit this store but decided to walk in just like that. I always wanted a Fender Telecaster and I was intent on buying the 'Made in Mexico' one. When I asked the guy in the store if he has a Fender Telecaster in stock, he told me that an hour before I entered, one guy had just sold his 'Made in USA' Fender Telecaster. They did not even have a price on it yet. So I asked the guy in the store if I could check it out. When I did try it, I instantly fell in love with it. It was also in prime condition. 

'Made in USA' Fender guitars have a great resale value and can be also very expensive. Sometimes these second hand guitars come even more expensive than the new ones. When I inquired about the price, the rate I got was exactly within my budget. I was astounded and could not believe my lucky stars. Very rarely does it happen where you get something like this at the exact moment you walk in to the door. And Fender 'Made in USA' guitars are not easy to come by, especially for someone like me who lives in Asia, they are terribly expensive here. 

This is why I feel this guitar was meant to be in my possession, it cannot be just mere coincidence. It feels really natural when I play it, almost like coming home and I love it. Btw, this particular model was the first electric guitar ever to be introduced, way back in the 1950s. It has a lot of history and many famous musicians have used it over the years. A guitar such as this is worthy of being passed down for generations to come!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The story of my life, every single day

A little long but here is the story of my life, every single day!

Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I hear are the birds chirping outside. Their soothing melodies always lets me know, that it is going to be a great day ahead and not even once do they not sing, for that is how they welcome the morning, every single day without fail.

When I step out, the crisp and fresh morning breeze rejuvenates my soul, letting me again know, that a great day lies ahead. And then I look at the trees, always standing tall and majestic, brimming with life, vivid green and vibrant, once again letting me know, that a great day lies ahead. I notice the azure blue sky and the clouds that float by, always still, never in a hurry, reminding me of the great day that lies ahead.

And then I step out of my lane, and what comes screaming at me is the cacophony of the city. Hundreds of cars breathing out poisonous fumes, people hurrying and scurrying in a mad rush as if their very lives depended on it. I notice the few homeless men who sit hungry, lonely and dejected, struggling to survive. I observe the many buildings that blots the landscape, blocking the horizon, the breeze and the sky. And alas, the singing of the birds gets drowned by the deafening noise of the city, and the trees? They are nowhere to be seen.

And then the great day that I just moments ago envisioned, almost gets crumbled into dust. But I always come to realize, that even though the trees, the sky, the birds, the fresh air tends to get lost in the chaos that is the hustle & bustle of the city, each day, someway or the other, they let me know and remind me, on the joy of being alive. And if even for a minute, we can stop and appreciate and observe the magnificent beauty that lies in nature, everyday, always, turns out to be nothing short of a great day.

And this here is the story of my life, every single day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Bad things don't happen to good people because what seems like bad things actually happen for the good and what seems like good things actually happen for the bad, and so it keeps repeating. Whatever is bad will become good and whatever is good will become bad to become good to bad and so forth and on and on it goes. 

That is how the good and the bad duality/energies play out and they always aim to reach a balance. Once a balance is reached, it makes a person grow. Then again another growth cycle of good and bad repeats and that is how we as individuals keep growing. In this context, there is no good and bad. Eventually you come to realize that judging what is perceived to be good and bad does not serve any purpose other than resisting the flow of life. Acceptance on the other hand, makes you stop judging and no longer resist the flow. Everything that happens, simply 'is', it is the mind that labels it to be 'good' or 'bad' and then create resistance to life situations. Every situation whether you label it as 'good' or 'bad' is only there to make one evolve and grow. So it is important to start flowing with the river of life rather than resist it and only then can one enjoy the ride, even the turbulent parts.

Here is a very simple example to kind of put things into perspective. Lets say you are unemployed and your bank account is running dry. Its a tough and difficult situation. A job is what you desperately need. Its a terrible situation to find yourself in. Finally, after months of applying and trying, you get a job. Now, getting this job is the best thing that could have happened to you considering the circumstances. You are ecstatic, relieved and finally things fall back into place.

So you begin your new job with much enthusiasm, in the first few months you love it. You finally have the financial freedom and it feels so good. Now as the months go by, say a year or two, the new job which bought you so much happiness is now making you miserable. It could be because of the horrible boss or your job becomes boring or you have too much work with too little pay or there is no growth at all or your colleagues are giving you a hard time etc. So now suddenly, what was once the best thing in your life has become your worst nightmare. The good turned to bad.

So because of your current situation, you start looking for a new job. And soon enough, you do get a new job. And this new job has better pay, more responsibilities, is a better company and you are a lot more equipped to face the challenges due to the lessons learnt in your previous job. It has made you grow. So the bad now again becomes the good. Sometimes it may be a while before the new job comes along but eventually it will, you are pushed to get it. 

And this is how we navigate life and when we resist, judge and label situations, we create misery and suffering for ourselves. So even if getting the new job takes a long time and you feel stuck, the key is to stop resisting it and have trust in the Universe that the 'bad' you are currently experiencing will eventually turn 'good'. That is the design!

Therefore, a more accurate way to put it is, "Bad things don't happen to good people, what is perceived to be bad things actually serves a greater good although it may seem bad or even terrible at first."

Now, if you have lost a loved one, it is very difficult to understand or even accept that such a terrible event can serve a greater good. But it does! You may not know it, you may be completely unaware of it but experiencing the loss of a loved one serves the growth of your soul in ways which you cannot understand or comprehend.  

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Most Majestic Tree for all to Behold

A long time ago, a seed was planted unto the Earth,
For it was to blossom, the most majestic tree for all to behold.
The conditions seemed perfect, the soil right, the weather fine,
And so this tree was to blossom,the most majestic tree for all to behold.

Amidst the lush green milieu, under turquoise blue skies, 
This tree was to stand, tall and elegant, 
With captivating features & striking appearance,
It was to be the cause of wondrous awe, bringing inspiration galore, 
To those with the good fortune of ever meeting its gaze.
A stalwart reaching out to the heavens, for bring it down to Earth it may,
This tree was to blossom, for it was to be the most majestic tree for all to behold.

But none knew that a storm was brewing out far.
With ominous clouds filled with dark and brooding menace, 
The sky appeared over the far and wide horizon.
And tore apart the land it did, leaving with it a tale of destruction.
Not a thing was spared, and all that was left by the storm, 
Was a deep scar to the land, wounded such that only time may heal.

However, left standing was our tree, for it had survived the onslaught,
Only it remains a shadow of what was to be its foretold destiny.  
Hope still remains for it to grow to what it once was destined to be,
For this tree was to blossom, the most majestic tree for all to behold.

Today, it threatens to be cut, torn down to shreds, without leaving but a trace.
And so the questions looms;will it stand or will it be cut forever to be lost?
The answer, as difficult as it may be to be found, 
Simply depends on a simple equation that stands on the ground.
It is the equation that simply involves,
What you and I, the ones who planted this seed, decide to choose. 

For this tree was to blossom, the most majestic of all trees to behold,
And tragic will be its fate, if we let it go to waste, for gone will be the magic,
Of this tree, the most majestic tree for all to behold

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The search for the Self

This poem was written in the year 2006 when I was lost & confused. I was desperately searching and seeking the answers to life and was utterly frustrated. This poem is a reflection of that search, of that constant seeking and not finding but having hope that someday the answers will come.

8 years later and I have come a long way. I find it incredible how life reveals itself and the answers do come when the time is right. Nothing can be forced, it only happens by grace & grace alone. One can never force a fruit to ripen, it can only happen naturally. So wherever you are in your life, whatever you may be facing, take comfort and know that you are in good hands, that eventually things will come to you and when they do, receive!! 

In search of myself am I,
Looking at every nook and corner,
Searching for the self who is me,
And yet I always seem to be disillusioned.

In search of the truth is me,
For questions constantly creep in my head,
Answers to which I seem never to find,
These truths of life, if only there was a way.

Who am I, I ask myself,
Remove the mask, I tell myself,
Yet one mask uncovers another,
And I am just an actor in this vast stage which is life.

Pretense is the game everybody plays,
A game that has been mastered by all,
A game I seek not to play,
And in the end, I lose out in the game of life.

How do I find thee?
That thou hast for so long seeketh,
A search for which I have an entire lifetime,
This me; my soul shall not rest till it finds itself.

This 'I' is not me,
This identity is never real,
Constantly does it keep changing,
And never is it at peace with itself.

A day will come when this 'I' is truly 'me'
The day which seems to be taking an eternity,
It is in this day that my spirit will awaken,
And I shall be born afresh unto this life.

The masks will lay rest on my feet and rot,
The world will uncover in a divine way for my eyes to behold,
Peace and bliss is all that I shall know,
And that is when I will know that I have found myself.

So I continue my search,
Ever hopeful in the journey ahead,
Never discouraged am I going to get,
Cause a day will come when I will have the answer,
The answer to the most impossible question,
The question which asks "WHO AM I"

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Perspective on what is going on and where we are headed (Opinion)

I have come to realize certain things. This article will make sense if you are aware that there are a group of people who operate covertly and are commonly referred to as the globalists/global elite/the 1% who are pulling strings behind the curtains and pushing the world in a certain direction. A lot of you will dismiss this as a conspiracy theory but if you have the eyes to see, you will realize that it is not some baseless theory but a hard and pertinent truth and it is staring at you in your face and is hidden in plain sight. Some independent research is all it takes and no matter how much you try to deny this, this is a truth, as true as the Earth being round. Probably back in the dark ages, if you were to tell people that the Earth is round, you would have been ridiculed and laughed at. This is because they truly believed that the Earth was flat and it was ingrained into them because of what the Roman Catholic Church preached to them. Any other viewpoint outside the Church's teaching was simply not entertained no matter how much truth it contains. Things have not changed much now, only thing is that the media has replaced what the church used to do along with many other institutions that operate in our modern day world.

What the world is being push towards is a 'one world government' which is going to be a communist state. It is going to be one where the 'state' or the 'government' will basically protect, take care and control every aspect of people's lives. It is going to be a sophisticated communist system where individual liberties and individualism itself will take a back seat.

It is already happening in US slowly as the constitution which protects individual rights is slowly being attacked and the Government is making more and more people dependent on itself. People today are looking towards the Govt. and depending on it for welfare, security and protection. The Government is going to act as not only the savior but also the provider. 'Obamacare' is one big initiative in these lines. Contrast this to old times where the Government was negligible and most people were self-sufficient in varying degrees. Native American culture was the last pure Human society which was completely based upon self-sufficiency and individual sovereignty.

Also, 'capitalism' is now deemed to be a failure and therefore people are becoming more anti-capitalist without understanding where the problems are coming from. That is where we have stuff like global mass wealth distribution/collateral accounts to re-distribute wealth etc. There will be no more personal wealth anymore. The state or the government will ensure that private wealth is no longer possible.

Russia & China being communist states are going to be the countries that will lead the world to the 'one world government'. The rise of China has been especially planned by the global elites for this purpose. India under Narendra Modi could also soon be following in these lines. People in India are fed up with the way things have been functioning and Modi will provide the solutions but in the process, a bigger Government which people will be dependent on. The stage is being set for introducing a world government which will present itself as taking care of everyone's needs and make people wholly dependent on it.

ET disclosure may happen and this is to introduce the New Age religion to the people. Certain characters such as St. Germain, Ashtar (they are very popular in new age circles) etc are possibly part of this plan. People will flock to them because they will be deemed to be superior beings. Their message will be of 'love and light'.

Right now, they are creating a war between China/Russia and the West. Both sides they control. This has always been their mantra for control and domination. The WW2 for example was being funded on both sides. Do some research and you will know this to be true. As for the people who have woken up to what is going on, they are presenting Russia/China as saviors and benevolent so that they get their support. People in the alternative circuit such as Fullford and Wilcock who are taking about a new system and predicting the shift in power to the east from the west are a part of this knowingly or unknowingly.

If the above is true, I don't see how it can be avoided. According to Hindu texts. dark ages are to continue for a long time. So maybe, the world is heading in this direction and and Humanity will have to go through it. The 2012 movement and the coming 'golden age' was a psyop to give people hope and distract them.

I know it sounds grim but this is how I feel at this moment. Maybe we will see it in our lifetime, maybe not and maybe none of what I have written will ever come to pass but the world sure seems to be moving in this direction. One thing is for sure, we need more people to become aware in order to avoid such a scenario if any such agenda exists. I personally feel there is an agenda as I observe many things that are happening in the world at this moment. Lastly, the future is not set in stone and there are many possibilities that may happen and this is just one of them.

Here are some quotes from prominent people who have openly talked about a 'world government' in the last couple of decades:

“We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a New World Order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, rules all nations. When we are successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping forces to fulfill the promise and vision of its founders.”
George H.W. Bush, March 21, 1991

“The ‘affirmative task’ before us is to “create a New World Order.”
–VP Joe Biden, speech Import Export Bank, April 5, 2013

“Each of us has the hope to build a New World Order.”
–President Richard Nixon, Hangzhou, China, February 1972

“We are moving toward a new world order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.”

“I think that his [Obama's] task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a New World Order can be created.”
Henry Kissinger, CNBC 2008

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”
Strobe Talbot, Deputy Secretary of State, TIME, July l992

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

“The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it?”
H.G. Wells 1939

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by consent or conquest.”
–James Paul Warburg [son of Paul Warburg, the author of the Federal Reserve Act] February 7, 1950

“Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.”
–Senator William Jenner, 1954

“The people will be crushed under the burden of taxes, loan after loan will be floated; after having drained the present, the State will devour the future.”

“The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, ‘urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.”
Nelson Rockefeller, New York Times, February 1962

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

“The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions.”
–Dr. Henry Kissinger, World Action Council, April 19, 1994

“The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. “
Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, Coningsby, the New Generation

“Whatever happens, whatever the outcome, New World Order is going to come into the world…It will be buttressed with police power…When peace comes this time there is going to be a New World Order of social justice. It cannot be another Versailles.” 
Edward VIII who became King on January 20, 1936, and abdicated eleven months later. He became the Duke of Windsor, and in July, 1940, he became the governor of the Bahamas.