Monday, May 28, 2012

Observing the Observer and the False Matrix

We awoke to suddenly discover that what we have known all our life, what we have been taught, what we have observed and what we have believed in represent a very microscopic portion of reality.

We have learnt and interpreted all our life with our 5 senses and with the help of these senses we receive information about the world around us. Eyes to see, ears to hear, tongue to taste, skin for the sensations and nose to smell. Each of these 5 senses sends signal to our brain which the brain miraculously decodes. Thus, we observe the world around us. But it becomes complicated after that. Our observations give rise to another phenomenon, it is known as ’thoughts’ and most of the time, we are puzzled as to where these ‘thoughts’ come from. After all these years of existence and evolution, we still cannot understand where thoughts arise from. Most of the time in today’s world, thoughts are fed into our consciousness and a person absorbs it unconsciously. And these thoughts are where the ‘power’ lies because they become charged, either positive or negative depending on their intensity. Positively or negatively charged thoughts build up and form layers to give rise to ‘emotions’. Accumulated emotions over time become memory and are stored. Some are stored very deep and some on the surface depending on a number of factors. Therefore, perception is born, the single most important factor which gives rise to a sense of existence in this realm. Who is the perceiver?? It is ‘I’ you say and that is correct. Who is the ‘I’, I ask, and the reply comes, it the ‘I’ that has been formed over years and years of perception, the process of which you have described above. Correct, I say. You are the observer and your sense of ‘I’ has developed based on what you have observed and perceived all your life.

But what if you observe this ‘observer’ i.e. this ‘I’? Who are you then? Isn’t that also an ‘I’? You are observing yourself. What if I tell you that the part of you who is observing your observations (from the 5 senses) and not relating or getting consumed by these observations is a higher aspect of yourself. So thus comes the age old saying, ‘The observer becomes the observed’.

And by whom is it ‘observed’? It is that higher aspect of you. To make it simple, let’s give you an example. Suppose information comes to you through sight i.e. you see a new i-phone which generates thoughts in your head, thoughts such as “Finally I have this gadget, All my life I wanted this, Yes now I am in fashion and am trendy, now I can check facebook wherever I go, this device will make my life better”, these thoughts are positively charged giving rise to what we call positive emotions. Perception is born, memory is created and your own self is updated. Now you are a ‘self’ with an I-pad. The question to ask yourself is why and from where did these positively charged thoughts arise from in the first place when you saw the I-pad? Are those your thoughts? Did you even want to think them?

Is it not true that these thoughts have arisen due to a programming of one’s mind? Imagine the extent of thoughts that can be fed into your head if some1 understands how to manipulate the information which you decode with your 5 senses by means of Television, Radio, Media, Education, Corporations, Advertisements and Governments. If you constantly hear “I pad is great, I pad will make your life much better’ and constantly see every1 using them, sleek look, cool features etc etc then the above positively charged thoughts which have been created and are swimming in the air is picked up and decoded by your brain and perception is born. If you think about it, you don’t even have a need for an I-pad but you are made to believe that you need it. This is the False Matrix. Mostly everything you are made to believe in our reality today comes from this false matrix.

It is only when you observe yourself i.e. observe the thoughts and emotions that are there instead of relating or being consumed by them e.g. when seeing the I-pad is when you see things from a higher perspective and understand the nature of them. We live in a false and controlled matrix system where thoughts are created and they swim in the air for our brains to pick up and decode and form perceptions. The media is one of the biggest tools through which we pick and decode thoughts.

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