Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Source for Joy

Early in the mornings when I rise,
I step outdoors and heaven I behold,
Beauty no better can the eyes ever hold,
And nature in all of her glory unfolds.
The fresh air that fills thee lungs,
The vibrant greens of the trees abound,
Melody no sweeter within the bounds,
But of the birds with their cheerful sounds.
The sun shines with his tender rays,
To let the world know that it is a beautiful day,
And it’s a smile with which we should start the day.
The hustle and bustle of the breeze that blows,
Silently whispers in our ears to let us know,
The feeling of being alive as wonderful as one can get to know.
Poetry in motion with perfect symphony,
Is what nature can be best described as,
And a simple act of observing,
Is what can give all of us joy.

Spiritual Realizations

This was written sometime in December 2008.

As I sit here on the banks of the Mae-Kong River, a certain sensation fills up my whole body. I am away from everything, in the middle of nowhere and all I can do here is let go. Let go of everything, the material world does not exist anymore, the past and future both have faded away into nothingness. I just hear and observe my breathing, I feel more aware, more peaceful and more joyous. Nature unfolds herself and I observe her magnificent beauty. Beauty which the mind cannot comprehend. Everything seems so perfect, just the way it should be; synchronized, majestic, balanced and immensely profound. The river in front of me flows calmly, peacefully and lazily with no hurry, the birds sing their melodies and soothes my ears, the rays of the sun brightens up all that he shines on, I hear children shouting and playing in a nearby village, I hear the fisherman’s oars splashing against the water and then there is SILENCE. Not a sound to be heard. I see the ripples in the river; they look so eerie and mysterious. Thoughts seem to have faded away and all I can observe is the PRESENT, the present in all its glory. I realize how beautiful and magical this sensation is.

Thoughts enter my mind and I wonder about life. Here I am, all by myself and it is in times like these that I discover the ‘INNER ME’. The ‘me’ that is hidden away. The ‘me’ that makes me realize the true beauty of life. So much peace, so much joy, so much calmness, I wonder where this ‘me’ always was. Why didn’t it reveal itself to me before? Life, I realize has so much more to offer. In the city, this ‘me’ is lost. The constant struggles, competition, stress, worries and anxieties make life a blur. Lost is the word that comes to my mind, lost in a battle where one knows not what he/she wants and where one is going. All our lives we push and devote all our energies into causes which in the long run seem so irrelevant (understand that these thoughts came when I was there in the meditative mode, the moment) Money, power, fame, fortune, security, do they matter at all? I ask myself these questions. I have been programmed all my life to run around for these pursuits but at what costs and for what gains. I sit here now with absolutely NOTHING. I sit here with no future, no past, no possessions and all I have is myself. What I experience now surpasses every other experience I have ever experienced in my 23 years of existence. I am just at the basic level, just looking inwards at the surface level, I cannot imagine what it would be like to go deep. Go to the depths that exists within me, what would I find then, what revelations? I just realize one thing, “Life reveals itself for what it really is when you look within instead of focusing energy on external factors."


Here is what I think. The world now and the way it is now, it’s not possible to focus inwards because all of us are looking to survive. Our reality of life is “survival of the fittest’. So it’s impossible to focus and devote one’s energy to spiritual pursuits. But I predict, it will change. A day will come in the distant future when everybody realizes the value of spirituality. For me, I believe that that’s all that matters. So right now, we are focusing only on the material world but someday in the future, material pursuits will take a backseat and the world as a whole will become spiritual. There will be a spiritual culture that will prevail. Let me give you an example to support what I said:

Take yourself back to the dark ages in Europe and travel through time. What was reality for the people then? What was the culture then? Who was God? It was the Roman Catholic Church that defined their reality and culture. What they preached became what people believed. An all powerful God, Heaven and Hell etc. For them life was all about not sinning and praying to God.

But then came Renaissance. The whole culture shifted and reality changed. People realized there is more to life than what the Church preached. People became independent and started to question. Dogmatic beliefs were done away with. Explorations, discoveries, scientific breakthroughs took place in this time period. Nature was studied, the laws which govern the universe was found and soon humans began to realize that he could manipulate nature and use its resources and make life more and more comfortable and reach new heights. So reality and culture changed. But what they could never find or answer was God and existence and some of the integral questions of life and purpose. These took a back seat. Slowly as time progressed, people became more and more consumed in the materialistic world. Industrial revolution came, I.T revolution came since people everywhere devoted all time and energy in making the world more and more developed. What it has so far led to is depletion of resources, intense and unhealthy competition, pollution and a complete disregard of Mother Nature. Face it, WE ARE DESTROYING OUR PLANET.

But it will change. In the next 1000 years or so, people will realize that they have to go back to the roots. Back to finding the answers and truths of life. Back to finding who and what God is. It is then when our culture will slowly shift and everybody will start devoting energy in spiritual pursuits. It might take a catastrophe like a nuclear war (let’s hope not). After that people will soon realize that there is got to be a better way and that better way is the way of spirituality and people will adopt that.

So all I am saying is, right now the world is totally consumed by materialism and all our energy and time is devoted towards materialistic pursuits. That’s what defines every culture in today’s world. but a time will come when people revert back to spirituality. And that will be the culture that defines our reality then. Just my prediction, I might be horribly wrong but my reality and my beliefs are what I have stated above. You might agree, disagree, I chose my reality and I stand firmly by them. Just expressing my point of view, so please don’t get me wrong. 

One last thing, go back to the ancient civilizations such as Sumerians, Mesopotamians, Harappa and Maya. These were very advanced civilizations more than 2000 years back. They had most answers at a time when they had no technology, no equipment, nothing close to what we have today. Yet they were so ahead. What was their culture about? From whatever little knowledge I have, I believe people then focused on spirituality and most of their time and energy were devoted to the spiritual side of life. I cannot comment why they perished but I believe they reached the heights of existence and had most of the answers which we still cannot find today.

We are all one (A song)

As the sunlight fades, darkness’s,
You become blind, can’t see.
The hatred, evils, of mankind,
Open your eyes.

We don’t see the light, truthlessness,
All out there to be seen, observe it,
We are wiping, ourselves out,
Not long now.

Religion is made to, save our souls,
Yet it is destroying.
What do we find, to sustain?
To be at peace?

Wars have always been, fought on lands,
Bombs that have taken lives.
Will always,
So how long are, we from the end?
Very soon

Don’t be unaware of the future that we create,
It might be the one, that destroys all.
Lives that we lose are too precious to be lost,
Lives that are yours, to be lost.
The world is what it is by our ways and what we are,
Make it the one to know only love.

Let’s join all our hands,
And discover that WE ARE ALL ONE.
Unite all of the lands,
And discover that WE ARE ALL ONE.
Let’s join all our hands,
And discover that WE ARE ALL ONE.
Unite all of the lands,
And discover that WE ARE ALL ONE.

A lesson to be learnt

Wars have always been fought,
Since the dawn of civilization of man.
It's the survival of the fittest so they say,
When it is in fact, the fittest who ultimately destroy.
That's how human beings are as such,
The fitter they are the more they seek,
Domination n power sets the order of day,
N thus wars are fought n lives are lost.
A lion has power also,
The power to kill ruthlessly n rule,
All the animals that stand below his might.
The power to tip the balance,
Of nature unto his favor.
But never does he seek to do so,
Cause a certain limit he has,
N never once does he exceed,
More then what he needs.
A lesson can be learnt,
From nature n the way it works.

EGO AND SOUL (Realizations from the depth of being)

Well, I am in the mood to write, u know, this feeling which you get once in a while and there is an inspiration to let your intellect speak. It improves my understanding and I really enjoy reading it after it's completed. I'm sending this to you guys even though u might have no desire to read it, but then there is no harm in sending it, is there? U just might like, understand and appreciate it or just dismiss it as pure NONSENSE. So if you want to read it, go ahead or ignore it if you don't want to. It is all about the SOUL and EGO
So here goes…

First of all, I want to share some experiences of mine which I went through during my period of stay in Bombay. I had everything. I had great friends, loving parents, I had a killer place to stay in and in fact there is no better place in Bombay, I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted, everybody liked and respected me (though I did some crazy things which I regret), had no pressure to attend college, was passing my exams smoothly with good marks, nobody harmed me, I got to meet a whole bunch of people from all walks of life, I broadened my mind, explored areas which are forbidden by society(Just because society forbids it dosen;t means it s bad or harmful etc etc). So life should have been good and I had all the reasons to be happy. But NO, I was never happy, I was always depressed. I suffered from low self esteem, hated myself, was terribly confused, felt lonely, thought everything was unfair, hated life in general, thought I lacked brains, thought everybody was out to get me, was low on confidence, was paranoid, thought of myself to be useless and I was in a constant state of despair, worry, grief, jealousy, anger and thus totally on the negative side. At times, I was happy but again it never lasted and no matter how much I tried, told myself and looked for support from friends n other circumstances, I was still ruled by the negative and could not come out of it. All my 3 years in Bombay had a similar pattern to it and it seemed to me that my past had also been the same and I will always live life in that manner and I was completely frustrated and I reached a point where I could take no more and reached as low as one could get. I started indulging in SELF PITY and most of my thoughts and conversations were exactly that. I wanted people to feel sorry for me and I kept telling my friends about my pitiable condition (I really appreciate those who listened to my bullshit). N remember, I was a nice guy, never harmed anyone, never intruded anyone's space, never forced my will on anybody, never cheated, every1 trusted me, never stole, never made anybody feel bad or any of that crap and yet I hated myself. I thought of myself to be a bad human being, if not the worst. People wanted to know me and came to me seeking my company and I on the other hand thought I don't deserve to be friends with anyone and never opened up and conversed properly(besides a few with whom I felt really comfortable).

Since everything seemed to have failed me, I started seeking answers and in the process, read a whole lot of books on self improvement, spiritualism etc etc. But I still could never seem to understand and apply anything and I felt like a parrot repeating words without understanding what they hold true for. These books made me feel even worse and I lost total faith in everything and I condemned God and in fact felt like ending my life. All this were in my mind but to outsiders and my friends, I seemed okay and no one had a clue about what was going through my head. They knew I was confused but in the end it became so natural that every1 dismissed it and somehow I coped with it and I could still chill, drink, socialize (with great difficulty) and pretend to have a good time when I was not (Some, if not most of the times were great which I realized later and not at that point of time) So that's how my life was in Bombay, at times good but most of the times bad. I also resorted to meditation and it helped me to an extent but it was still the same. So WHY? WHY THIS ALL THE TIME? WHY? WHY? WHY? What did I do wrong? My head was so confused and so cluttered up that I could never form rational decisions and good judgments. Man, it felt terrible, I even started looking down at my friends and started avoiding them and in fact started blaming them and thought their influence played a part in my misery. Everywhere I looked, I could only see DIRT. I am however blessed with very good INTELLIGENCE n a sharp MIND(it became blunt due to the above factors) which is what saw me through and even though I thought I was STUPID, I did act rationally and knew my limits and took decisions which were actually good .

BUT then DESIRE is an emotion which can SEE you through when it is strong and is a burning one. I had exactly that. I had a strong desire to find ANSWERS and since I hated myself, I had even a stronger one to CHANGE. Exams got over and my college life came to an end. It was then that I slowly found answers and noticed myself changing. It seemed to be happening automatically. My head started clearing up and the darkness was slowly giving away to LIGHT. End of my Bombay chapter.

Well, so far, the above has been just my personal experiences and I must have bored you by elaborating so much about my life and what I went through. BUT it is VITAL for explaining what I have in mind. I found my ANSWER as to why I went through the above and that answer has helped me to change my life and be in the complete opposite of how I was being in Bombay. I will never be in that state of mind again, no matter what the circumstances or situations are. Circumstances 100 times worse then Bombay (don't think they were bad at all) will not result in my state of mind getting affected to that extent anymore. So what is the ANSWER? Any guesses? It is the EGO. Yes, the EGO was the cause of all my miseries and sufferings. I was ruled by the EGO. This EGO made my life hell.

So what is this EGO? This EGO is manipulative and is the cause and result of all sorts of negative emotions. Anger, hatred, jealousy, depression, greed, self pity, bondage, low self esteem etc are all causes of the EGO. This EGO is a mental image which one creates about himself/herself and all its actions are based on upholding this importance. This EGO is constantly looking for APPROVAL and this EGO wants to CONTROL. Any thing which does not satisfy it, results in wrong emotions and the mind is held hostage to it. This EGO was responsible for cluttering my mind. This EGO wants everything to be permanent, is attached to everything and looks at the outside world for satisfying itself. It is based on OBJECT referral and its happiness is based on OBJECTS. It lives constantly in FEAR and will go to any extent to keep the object of reference. It does not like CHANGE and wants the world to be in a particular way so that it GETS what it WANTS and it forces it's WILL on people and looks down at those who it thinks is below its dignity and looks up at those who it thinks is someone and has something. This EGO is the MASK. This EGO controls most of us. The mind is filled with EGO based thoughts. The EGO constantly JUDGES and COMPARES. So, I later realized that it was this EGO that took control over me and since I had no desire for POWER (most of us use our ego for money, fame, power, etc) or anything of that sort, this EGO resulted in my self pity. Cause my consciousness wanted to be pure and my EGO never allowed it and thus caused my suffering and misery. See, how this EGO works. See how it is EVIL. This EGO is not our true nature.

Yet, in spite of my understanding, I have not got rid of my EGO totally but it doesn't control me anymore. Since I live in society, I cannot get rid of my EGO fully. I need it to sustain me. But I command it now and it acts on my will. To totally get rid of my ego, I got to cut off from society and meditate in the hills and then probably, 100% of the EGO will disappear and I will attain super consciousness. However in today's world, it is not possible. So the EGO is very much needed but it should be kept under check.

So what is the opposite of EGO? It is the SOUL. Besides ego residing in the body and mind, there happens to be the SOUL also. This is OUR TRUE NATURE. This SOUL is the son of GOD. This SOUL can be described as eternal (indestructible), all pervading, stable, immovable, ancient, unmanifest, unthinkable and unchangeable. This SOUL has no FEAR, it is PURE joy and love. To discover this part of you, the point of reference has to be the SELF and not OBJECTS. This SELF is connected to NATURE and all its intelligence can be harnessed. This SOUL does not judge and thinks of no one to be below it and no one above it and is humble and wise. This soul results in rational decision making and knows the right action that needs to be taken. This SOUL can DISCRIMINATE between RIGHT and WRONG and according to the situation bases it's ACTIONS. This SOUL is closely connected to GOD. This SOUL makes life purposeful, joyful etc etc. This soul recognizes people as it's same and shares an unique bond with everyone. I still have a lot to understand about the SOUL but I have discovered it to a certain extent. I have noticed that I actually create my own reality and this reality is my creation and not due to circumstances of the outside world. This is the POWER of the SOUL. To discover this SELF, get rid of your EGO and especially emotions such as greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, power (ego based) etc. These emotions can also be controlled by us as we have the power to choose our thoughts and not the other way around. Most of the time, our thoughts are not within our control but they very well can be. This my friends, is the SOUL and my life has changed the day, I opened communication with it. I sometimes feel my soul is talking back to me. If there is a question which puzzles me, I ask and I get an answer. Whew!!!!! Total nonsense, ain't it.

Okay, hope some of you have made it this far. This is my last paragraph. Everyone of you know about the Mahabharata. This Mahabharata has a deep allegorical significance which very few are aware of. Mahabharata represents the battle between good and the evil and in other words, SOUL and the EGO. The Kauravas born to the blind king Dritharashtra (when the mind is born, it is born BLIND) and represnts all earthly desires and the whole clan is represented by greed, power, jealousy, anger, hatred etc. The Kauravas represent the EGO. The Pandavas on the other hand represent the SOUL. Now the Bhagavad-Gita (a must read), explains the full significance of the Mahabharata and gives it the much needed meaning. Now, the battle is inevitable between Pandavas and Kauravas. Arjuna with Lord Krishna as his charioteer gears up for battle. However Arjuna, seeing his brothers and his guru Drona on the other side suddenly loses his will to fight, he suddenly realizes that he has to kill and that also those who he grew up with. His mind goes into turmoil and goes into a complete neurotic state. He loses his judgement, finds everything meaningless and thus indulges in SELF PITY and drops his weapons. Now seeing Arjuna's pitiable condition, Lord Krishna starts his dialogue with him and speaks words of WISDOM. He realized that Arjuna's EGO has got the better of him and slowly hymn after hymn, he makes Arjuna realize his TRUE SELF. The Bhagavad-Gita is a wonderful book and I recommend it.

Enough of the soul and ego. Well, I enjoyed writing. Those who have made it this far, thanks a lot for reading, really appreciate it. Take care and may God bless you.


The war will never end,
Till time ticks away to its end,
Guns n ammunition is why we are moving towards the end,
The end of existence n all God has created not to end.
We are the cause n never learn from the effect,
N so we shall drown in a sea of red.
Pools of blood is what will flood the world,
So, where is God? The one to save the world,
How can faith in him ever be restored to this world?
Fools are men, who don’t want to realize,
That God is us n it is for us to realize.
We are Gods, but then how can we realize,
When guns n ammunition moves us further,
From the realization that God wants us to discover.
Love, faith n joy is how we discover,
Power, jealousy, anger, hatred is how we hinder,
N that’s the TRUTH which people should try n consider.
The war is there for a reason,
N the reason is to learn n realize,
That God can never be realized,
As long as it’s wars n violence that haunts earth n life.
N so a day will come when realization will set in,
N that is the day when wars shall cease,
N guns n ammunition will be dropped n forgotten,
N it's wisdom that shall set the order of day,
N then is when faith in God shall fully be restored.


I am someone who is constantly questioning and constantly looking for answers. While other people of my age are busy with friends, making a career(I will also make one), having fun, I on the other hand am always looking to find the meaning of existence, what life is all about and GOD. Right now, it's GOD. I have been wanting to find out about GOD. I have found some answers and I am going to share them with you. This is the most PRACTICAL description of God. It's based on my understanding and according to what I have read and thought. My understanding right now is still limited and for me comprehend it fully will require a lifetime, maybe more. So here goes, I love writing, I love putting my thoughts down and I love sending them because it may help. So do read, it's an interesting topic and something which arouses our curiosity.

Reality is 3 dimensional like everything else in this world. Our reality comprises of 3 aspects namely,

1) Material Reality:- It's the physical world, the objects which our senses perceive and what we hold to be real.
2)Quantum Domain:- it's world of photons, neurons and electrons. The building blocks of these universe. Our thoughts and feelings are also a part of this domain. Our nervous system manipulates this world. However our senses are too dull to pick up this domain. All of us and this universe exist as photons, neurons and electrons continuously exchanging energy with each other. This is the quantum domain and probably, one where our MIND plays a part.
3) Virtual domain:- This is beyond the quantum domain. This is beyond photons, neutrons and elecrtons.This is where they come from. This is supposed to be the source of all creation. This where we are all created n where all of us have come from. This is where GOD rests. This is where big bang originated from. This is like a VOID. It has no boundaries and it is ALL THERE IS. This is the SOUCE of the universe.

So now, here is a simplistic version of the three aspects:-

1) Virtual Domain = Field of spirit
2) Quantum Domain = field of mind
3) Material reality = the field of physical existence

Now that I have mentioned the 3 aspects of this universe, I will state God and seven stages of this God and briefly explain them. God can be classified into seven stages all depending upon the MIND and the beliefs it holds and certain other factors such as perceptions, conditioning, experience, circumstances etc etc. Here are the seven stages of God, of inner growth, of spiritualism and the PATH to the HIGHEST..

1) Flight or fight (Survival responses)
2) Reactive responses
3) Restful awareness responses
4) Intuitive responses
5) Creative responses
6) Visionary responses
7) Sacred responses

1) FLIGHT OR FIGHT (Survival responses):- This is the most primitive aspect of the mind. It is that part where you are looking to survive. To meet basic ends. You are a survivor here and for you, God is protector. U 'FIT IN' by coping somehow and you that's how you live your life. This is the God in the bible where Eve is punished for sinning. Life is hard work and full of threats and u got to somehow live it and keep your God happy. The God here is vengeful, capricious, quick to anger, jealous, judgmental(rewarding and punishing), unfathomable, sometimes merciful. Here GOOD is safety, comfort, food, shelter and family and EVIL is physical threat and abandonment. U find God through FEAR and loving devotion. So no matter what happens, u SURVIVE. The 'WHO I AM' here is a survivor. The life CHALLENGE here is to survive, protect and maintain. STRENGTH is courage and HURDLE is abandonment. In my personal experience, I was like this in Bombay. I was a survivor there but my God saw me through. I SURVIVED. For me God was all of the above, judgmental, jealous, anger, etc etc. First stage of EVOLUTION.

2) REACTIVE RESPONSE:- This is the stage above the first. Here you are no longer a survivor. U look to ACHIEVE. Survival has been accomplished. Now you want fame, fortune, power, security etc. It's powered by EGO. It is "I want more". "I want to be the best". "I want to strive above competition". This stage is POWER. This is the EGO stage. The 'WHO I AM' is the "ego personality'. U are ambitious and competitive. Here u can get what you want through power, thorough the 'I'. U 'FIT IN' by WINNING. The God here is sovereign, omnipotent, just, answers prayers, impartial and rational and it lays down rules and laws. This is most essential in today's world. U find God through awe and obedience. So GOOD here is getting what you want and the BAD here is obstacle to getting what you want. The life 'CHALLENGE' is maximum achievement, 'STRENGTH' is accomplishment and 'HURDLE' is guilt and victimization. In my personal experience, I was this person after Bombay. I wanted to achieve, I wanted to strive above and gain power, money etc etc. The second stage of EVOLUTION.

3) RESTFUL AWARENESS RESPONSE (God of peace):- This is the stage where you look WITHIN. It's no longer outside situations and circumstances. U do SOUL SEARCHING. U become silent, still and meditative. Here u discover your spirit, your soul, your source of joy. U go beyond your EGO. U find PEACE, SOLACE and you find a inner world much richer and much more fuller and much more complete. The God here is detached, calm, offering consolation, undemanding, conciliatory, silent and meditative. The 'WHO I AM' is a silent witness. This God is God of peace. U 'FIT IN' by being 'centered in yourself'. There are different levels to how deep you can go in this stage. U find God through meditation, silent contemplation. The unfortunate part of this stage is that it is 'self centered'. Whatever it thinks seems to be right n goes its own way. The GOOD here is clarity, inner calm and contact with the self and EVIL is inner turmoil and chaos. The life CHALLENGE is to be engaged and detached at the same time, STRENGTH is autonomy and HURDLE is fatalism. The worst part about this stage is INTROVERSION. U feel like being cut off from society. In my personal experiences, I was this person in DELHI. I found an inner world and a BLISS when I looked WITHIN. The third stage of EVOLUTION.

4) INTUITIVE RESPONSE (God the redeemer) This is the stage where the MIND tries to strike a BALANCE. After stage 3, u look for WISDOM. U look for GROWTH, inner growth. U are intuitive and u start questioning and look to be a better person and start thinking of issues, problems and the world at large. Here u seek qualities whose outlook is beyond wrong and right. U stop judging and u seek LOVE and acceptance. The God here is understanding, tolerant, forgiving, nonjudgmental, inclusive and accepting. Now old worries, habits of thinking, past experiences, task at hand etc don't matter much and your attention is directed towards something deeper. A wider outlook. It trusts its 'INNER VOICE' which might be either right or wrong. The 'WHO I AM' is knower within. U fit in by 'UNDERSTANDING'. In this stage anything that happens, u look for a deeper meaning, no matter what, everything is alright and it was suppose to happen and there is a purpose behind it. Soon answers will come. U find God through 'Self acceptance'. The GOOD here is clarity and truth and the BAD here is blindness, denying the truth strive to seek a balance. So the life challenge here is to go beyond 'DUALITY'. The greatest STRENGTH is insight and biggest HURDLE is delusion. The worst part about this stage is deception. In my personal experience, I would say I am here right now but only to an extent. I am looking to GROW and my mind is POSITIVE and trying to seek a BALANCE. The forth stage of EVOLUTION.

5) CREATIVE RESPONSE (God the creator) This is the stage where u discover yourself to be a CREATOR with GOD. U co create with him. All your DESIRES spring about instantaneously. In this stage u use your IMAGINATION. U are always INSPIRED and highly CREATIVE. U hold this view that what is inside the mind plays out in your reality outside. It goes beyond intuition. The God here is unlimited creative potential, control over space and time, abundant, open, generous, willing to be known and inspired. That quantam field which creates worlds is now in your disposal to a certain extent. The 'WHO AM I' is God's co creator. The 'HOW I FIT IN' is through INTENTION and FOCUS. It's here where u recognize your THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS and the manifestations in your reality. How u find God is through 'INSPIRATION'. The GOOD is higher consciousness and the BAD is lower consciousness. The biggest life CHALLENGE is to align with the creator. The greatest STRENGTH is IMAGINATION and biggest HURDLE is SELF IMPORTANCE. Albert Einstein was a genius in this stage and so are musicians like Mozart, painters such as Michelangelo and various poets etc etc.. In my personal experiences, I found that I am a creator also. There was a time when I was immensely INSPIRED and wrote a few poems and articles etc etc. Similarly, certain desires which I had, turned into manifestations. e.g I wanted a guitar which is expensive and I had no way of getting hold of it. I imagined it and my belief and faith was strong, I also thanked God in advance and soon I find out of nowhere that I am going to get that guitar. This and a few other instances confirmed that I am a creator. But it is difficult and not easy. It sometimes does not work. The 5th stage of EVOLUTION. This stage is marked by idealism.

6) VISIONARY RESPONSE (God of miracles) This is the stage where u can perform MIRACLES. This is an ENLIGHTENED stage. U know nothing but LOVE and u LOVE everybody UNCONDITIONALLY. U find a power of the unknown. U can actually play around with the quantam ENERGY and perform what it is known as MIRACLES. The God here is transformative, mystical, enlightened, beyond all causes, existing, healing, magical and alchemist. Faith healing, seers are the ones who tap into this potential. They are innumerable examples of people who have healed, who have done something out of the ordinary etc etc. Jesus Christ is an example. I cannot comprehend this stage. I have no idea. Here is where your awareness is such that u are actually GOD. What people have a belief that GOD is. The 'WHO AM I' is enlightened awareness. U fit in by 'LOVING'. U find God through Grace. There is no Good and EVIL here, u are part of the COSMIC force. The biggest life CHALLENGE is to attain LIBERATION. No personal experiences here, I am far far far from this stage. Very few reach here. The 6th level of EVOLUTION.

7)SACRED RESPONSE(God of PURE BEING 'I AM'):- This is where u go beyond the quantam field. This is where you reach the the VIRTUAL. Where nothing exist and yet everything exists. The 'I AM'. That's it, the 'I AM'. U find that this world is an illusion and it's like being DEAD and yet being ALIVE. I cannot explain this stage. There is nothing that needs to be done anymore. No karma, no reincarnation, U are 'ALL that IS', u are also 'ALL That is Not'. The God here is unborn, undying, unchanging, unmoving, unmanifest, immeasurable, invisible, intangible and infinite. Christ, Buddha etc reached here. The 'Who am I' is the SOURCE. Nah, I will never reach here. Don't think so. It's beyond the beyond. Well this the last stage of EVOLUTION.

Here is a summary:-

1)Who is God?

God is stage 1(the protector), God is stage 2(the redeemer) God is stage 3(Peace) God is stage 4(intuitive, growth, the redeemer), God is stage 5(the creator), God is stage 6(God of miracles), God is stage 7(The I AM)

2) What kind of world did God create?

Stage 1:- World of survival
Stage2:-Ego, personality
Stage 3:-World of inner solitude, self sufficiency
Stage 4:- World of insight, inner growth
Stage 5:- World of art, invention, discovery
Stage 5:- Prophets, sages and seers
Stage 6:- Transcendent world

The great secret or the most fascinating part is GOD IS WHO WE ARE OR AS WE ARE. I am no GOD, I am just an ordinary human being but according to the above explanation I am GOD. All of us are. We are all in different stages. I cannot pin point any particular stage right now but I can be anywhere at any point in my life. So for me when I am aware of this, I can be at peace, comfort and live life the way I want to.I still have a lot to learn and a lot to do in my life. I am nobody right now, just a college graduate hoping to make a career somewhere, somehow but then these realizations are very important. I might need to survive someday, right now as a 21 year old, I need to achieve etc etc and so it goes on and on.I feel, no matter what happens, I can be happy and feel God's presence. I am NEVER ALONE. We all go through all these stages in some way or the other. I think SPIRITUALISM is the key here. There is a SOUL part of us. What this SOUL is, is difficult to explain but I will someday. Right now my understanding of the above is just 5%. That's it. But I hope this article helped u in some ways. Thanks to all who have read it.

Philosophy by an amateur (A deep analysis)

I have been trying to figure out a way of living life where I am always at peace, joy, full of love, as genuine as I can be, as honest as possible and where I am in a position to always help others and give, be divine, manifest all my desires, cultivate talent in almost every field etc etc and also deal with the world in such a way that I am never harmed, taken advantage of, fooled or hurt. So I have studied and read loads of books to improve myself, to seek divinity and God, to figure out a way where I am a master of situations and circumstances, be as nice a guy as I can be, be totally myself always, always do the right thing at the right time, take the right action when it needs to be taken etc etc Basically I am trying to live up to a very high IDEAL where I am PLEASED with myself as well as where I PLEASE everyone else, be in everyone’s good books and always try to be my BEST. However, we and especially I as a human being find it very DIFFICULT to achieve such ideals. I will always fall short, lack in some area or the other, never attain the perfection I envisage, and most of the time things are totally opposite of what I EXPECT. The REAL world and PEOPLE and ME included are such that no matter how much I try, I will always fail, not fail (not a good word) but fall short somewhere or the other. I lived DANGEROUSLY, like I followed one PHILOSOPHY(mainly spirituality) after another by going deep into them. So there came a time when I actually attained the ABOVE mentioned IDEALS but it was short lived and I came CRASHING down which resulted in a seriously DAMAGED MIND. So I am again on a QUEST.

I find PHILOSOPHY to be a very interesting subject. It studies, draws conclusions based on reason and tries to derive truth and insight. It will look at all possible ways to come to a particular conclusion and then term it as truth. Its approach is dialectic and uses logic. However philosophy is always subject to change since it is unlike science where everything is definite and always holds to be true. Philosophy is fascinating because it studies everything and anything under the sun and also above. It is concerned with us as humans, God, nature, planets, mathematics, society, ethics, medicine, existence, purpose etc. It seeks to analyze, research, go to the depth of the subject matter and answer questions which it itself asks. So if science is definite and theology full of dogmas, philosophy is the no man’s land existing between both. It is the faculty of WONDER that starts a philosophical quest. When you start wondering, u can say that a philosophical quest for you has begun. It is indeed extraordinary to actually observe the line of thinking employed by the great philosophers and how they reached conclusions and truths. It is even more fascinating to observe how philosophy has evolved over the ages with philosophers using the orginal ideas of previous philosophers and coming up with their own. Philosophy is always open to criticism, can be refuted, can be changed, can be modified, challenged, wronged and every era in history has produced a different kind of philosophy.(I am talking as if I am a pro in this but I am just a beginner, at the very very basic level right now)

So right now I want to PHILOSOPHIZE and come to certain conclusions on a subject matter using my REASONING powers, LOGIC and then have statements supporting them. It is using a dialectic method. Let us take my above example of me trying to attain my idealism and always failing. What is it that results in my failure to achieve the above ideals. I will use the word ‘US’ cause in a sense it applies to all of us human beings. I would conclude that there are 2 main reasons as to why we are subject to disappointments and misery. I am not concerned with the misery in the sense that it has to do with illness or poverty or other circumstances like earthquakes and wars etc. I am concerned mainly with misery related to us as human beings in living everyday life. I BOIL them down to these two words (Now philosophy is such that a person’s point of view is his own and he gives his own logic, so here I am attempting to give mine)
1) PERFECTION (I have been fruitlessly trying to attain)

What is a PERFECT human being anyways? I can certainly use my imagination and have an idea or opinion and envisage the perfect person that I want to be. Now, taken from books, seeing other people, from knowledge, my conscience, memory of the past, experience, lessons etc help me in forming an image in my mind as to what a perfect person should be like. So after an image is formed, I derive an EXPECTATION of how I should be and I use my WILL and try to live up to that image so formed in my mind. Now consider 2 persons, A and B. Now I am being the PERFECT man and I meet person A. However this person A will have EXPECTATIONS which might differ from mine and I might not be AWARE of. So I meet him being the PERFECT person and having what I think to be the right EXPECTATIONS (from myself that is). Now as I get to know A better, it might happen that my EXPECTATIONS clashes with his (however I am being perfect) Take for example, A wants something from me or wants me to do something, however I am not AWARE of it or even if I am, I don’t do it or I say NO which ultimately results in A being disappointed and me not satisfying him and living up to his EXPECTATION thus resulting in one being happy and the other not. So now, since I have a CONSCIENCE, I might feel BAD. So in that sense, I was not PERFECT otherwise I would have satisfied him and also I as a PERFECT person failed to live up to my EXPECTATIONS. So next time, I will make an effort to be MORE PERFECT and thus attempt to live up to A’s EXPECTATIONS. When I meet A again over a period of time, it might happen that I am always consciously living up to whatever EXPECTATIONS he has from me thinking that I am being PERFECT. If I continue in being the SAME, it may happen that he will eventually be the one controlling and dictating ME. In simple words, he notices that I am being the person he always EXPECTS me to be and thus he might take me for GRANTED and take ADVANTAGE. The day I decide to defy his EXPECTATIONS might result in arguments, fights, bad blood, disappointment and misery for both of us. So in my attempt to attain PERFECTION in relation to A, it leaves me nowhere and I am again short of being PERFECT. I am back to square one. So how can one attempt to be PERFECT and live up to his as well as other’s EXPECTATIONS? I am just concerned with person A but what about person B? It might be again totally different in his case. We tend to meet so many people with each and every one having EXPECTATIONS such that it is impossible to draw the line when it comes to my OWN and PERFECTION is what’s IMPOSSIBLE. Maybe, if I am not trying to be PERFECT and I live up to whatever EXPECTATION I feel fit, I’ll be happier and I am not concerned with what the other person thinks. However, it might make the other person UNHAPPY or DISSAPOINTED. So for my happiness, I make the other miserable. And the other way around is, for his happiness, I make myself miserable. Both ways, IT DOSE’NT WORK. So I come to this conclusion, HAPPINESS and MISERY are both DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to EXPECTATION. I am just giving an example of human relations. How about EXPECTATION in terms of other activities such as say your WORK, maybe GUITARING (as in my case), STUDIES, certain DESIRES etc etc. From each of these fields, I EXPECT something and if it lives up to, I am HAPPY and if it doesn’t, I am frustrated and SAD. I might set an UNREASONABLE EXPECTATION of playing a very difficult piece of music on failing which I feel miserable. So EXPECTATIONS in a way is a CAUSE of HUMAN SUFFERING. But then, another piece of MUSIC which I EXPECT to play and I am being able to play results in me feeling ecstatic. So, EXPECTATION can again be a CAUSE of HUMAN HAPPINESS, ACHIEVMENT and other POSITIVE words. EXPECTATION can also be MEANS of generating ACTION and BEHAVIOR. I am EXPECTED to DO THIS and I DO THIS, resulting in me ACHIEVING or BEHAVING THAT. If I am NOT EXPECTED and NEVER AM, TO DO THIS and I DON’T DO THIS, it results in ME NOT ACHIEVING OR BEHAVING THAT. It’s AMBIGIOUS, this word EXPECTATION; it has BOTH POSITIVE and NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS. So can I say that to REMOVE HUMAN SUFFERING, we SHOULD DO AWAY with EXPECTATION. Don’t have any EXPECTATION from yourself as well as others. Will it WORK? It WILL to an extent. If x is what I expect and y is what happens or doesn’t happen because of x it can result in L and M. L is positive while M is negative. However, if x is what I don’t expect, and y happens or doesn’t happen, only L will happen and not M or neither. If I expect a person to say hi and he does, I am happy, if he doesn’t I am disappointed. If I don’t expect a person to say hi and he does, I might be happy but if he doesn’t, I won’t be SAD. So in a way it removes MISERY. But if I REMOVE EXPECTATION, what about ACTION and BEHAVIOR. In an extreme sense, won’t it be LOSING CONTROL? However, society has CERTAIN LAWS laid down where certain EXPECTATIONS are taken for GRANTED and so all of us LIVE up to THEM failing which we might be RIDICULED, OUTCASTED or IGNORED. So I cannot do AWAY with EXPECTATIONS, can I? So how do I draw a LINE between what to EXPECT and what NOT to EXPECT? It’s a DIFFICULT process, I would say and something which I feel is even more difficult to MASTER. Ponder about it. As I said, EXPECTATION is both NEGATIVE and POSITIVE; however, PERFECTION is always NEGATIVE. When u are seeking to be PERFECT, your EXPECTATIONS can be totally unrealistic, unreasonable and unsatisfactory both from yourself and other people and results in NOTHING but MISERY as happened with me and my IDEALS. So I come to these TRUTHS about EXPECTATION and PERFECTION.

See, this is how philosophy is. I questioned, analyzed, approached the subject matter from various angles, used reasoning and logic and came out with statements to support them and in the end came to certain conclusions which I termed as truth. However, the PROBLEM of PHILOSOPHY is that in spite of me tackling the above, I still left you with loads of QUESTIONS. One question leads to another but the fact is, every question makes you go deeper into the subject matter. That’s the BEAUTY of PHILOSOPHY. Now, the above which I have written can be criticized, ridiculed, refuted, wronged etc. Also the above can lead to someone modifying it or adding to it or improving it and so it goes on. That’s the philosophical process. I am a very basic beginner and maybe all of the above I wrote is bullshit. Well, u have your own reasoning powers and so I leave it up to you to give your own JUDGEMENT while I go back to my PONEDERING and hopefully a day comes when I can match up to the great minds of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Emerson, Nietzsche, Russell, Descartes and the likes (U are dreaming pal, now that’s what a totally unrealistic EXECTATION is but again if I don’t EXPECT then what will compel me to take the steps and actions in achieving, so where will I stand?, will it result in my happiness or misery?) Confusion to end confusion, question to end questions and I now end this article…