I am someone who is constantly questioning and constantly looking for answers. While other people of my age are busy with friends, making a career(I will also make one), having fun, I on the other hand am always looking to find the meaning of existence, what life is all about and GOD. Right now, it's GOD. I have been wanting to find out about GOD. I have found some answers and I am going to share them with you. This is the most PRACTICAL description of God. It's based on my understanding and according to what I have read and thought. My understanding right now is still limited and for me comprehend it fully will require a lifetime, maybe more. So here goes, I love writing, I love putting my thoughts down and I love sending them because it may help. So do read, it's an interesting topic and something which arouses our curiosity.
Reality is 3 dimensional like everything else in this world. Our reality comprises of 3 aspects namely,
1) Material Reality:- It's the physical world, the objects which our senses perceive and what we hold to be real.
2)Quantum Domain:- it's world of photons, neurons and electrons. The building blocks of these universe. Our thoughts and feelings are also a part of this domain. Our nervous system manipulates this world. However our senses are too dull to pick up this domain. All of us and this universe exist as photons, neurons and electrons continuously exchanging energy with each other. This is the quantum domain and probably, one where our MIND plays a part.
3) Virtual domain:- This is beyond the quantum domain. This is beyond photons, neutrons and elecrtons.This is where they come from. This is supposed to be the source of all creation. This where we are all created n where all of us have come from. This is where GOD rests. This is where big bang originated from. This is like a VOID. It has no boundaries and it is ALL THERE IS. This is the SOUCE of the universe.
So now, here is a simplistic version of the three aspects:-
1) Virtual Domain = Field of spirit
2) Quantum Domain = field of mind
3) Material reality = the field of physical existence
Now that I have mentioned the 3 aspects of this universe, I will state God and seven stages of this God and briefly explain them. God can be classified into seven stages all depending upon the MIND and the beliefs it holds and certain other factors such as perceptions, conditioning, experience, circumstances etc etc. Here are the seven stages of God, of inner growth, of spiritualism and the PATH to the HIGHEST..
1) Flight or fight (Survival responses)
2) Reactive responses
3) Restful awareness responses
4) Intuitive responses
5) Creative responses
6) Visionary responses
7) Sacred responses
1) FLIGHT OR FIGHT (Survival responses):- This is the most primitive aspect of the mind. It is that part where you are looking to survive. To meet basic ends. You are a survivor here and for you, God is protector. U 'FIT IN' by coping somehow and you that's how you live your life. This is the God in the bible where Eve is punished for sinning. Life is hard work and full of threats and u got to somehow live it and keep your God happy. The God here is vengeful, capricious, quick to anger, jealous, judgmental(rewarding and punishing), unfathomable, sometimes merciful. Here GOOD is safety, comfort, food, shelter and family and EVIL is physical threat and abandonment. U find God through FEAR and loving devotion. So no matter what happens, u SURVIVE. The 'WHO I AM' here is a survivor. The life CHALLENGE here is to survive, protect and maintain. STRENGTH is courage and HURDLE is abandonment. In my personal experience, I was like this in Bombay. I was a survivor there but my God saw me through. I SURVIVED. For me God was all of the above, judgmental, jealous, anger, etc etc. First stage of EVOLUTION.
2) REACTIVE RESPONSE:- This is the stage above the first. Here you are no longer a survivor. U look to ACHIEVE. Survival has been accomplished. Now you want fame, fortune, power, security etc. It's powered by EGO. It is "I want more". "I want to be the best". "I want to strive above competition". This stage is POWER. This is the EGO stage. The 'WHO I AM' is the "ego personality'. U are ambitious and competitive. Here u can get what you want through power, thorough the 'I'. U 'FIT IN' by WINNING. The God here is sovereign, omnipotent, just, answers prayers, impartial and rational and it lays down rules and laws. This is most essential in today's world. U find God through awe and obedience. So GOOD here is getting what you want and the BAD here is obstacle to getting what you want. The life 'CHALLENGE' is maximum achievement, 'STRENGTH' is accomplishment and 'HURDLE' is guilt and victimization. In my personal experience, I was this person after Bombay. I wanted to achieve, I wanted to strive above and gain power, money etc etc. The second stage of EVOLUTION.
3) RESTFUL AWARENESS RESPONSE (God of peace):- This is the stage where you look WITHIN. It's no longer outside situations and circumstances. U do SOUL SEARCHING. U become silent, still and meditative. Here u discover your spirit, your soul, your source of joy. U go beyond your EGO. U find PEACE, SOLACE and you find a inner world much richer and much more fuller and much more complete. The God here is detached, calm, offering consolation, undemanding, conciliatory, silent and meditative. The 'WHO I AM' is a silent witness. This God is God of peace. U 'FIT IN' by being 'centered in yourself'. There are different levels to how deep you can go in this stage. U find God through meditation, silent contemplation. The unfortunate part of this stage is that it is 'self centered'. Whatever it thinks seems to be right n goes its own way. The GOOD here is clarity, inner calm and contact with the self and EVIL is inner turmoil and chaos. The life CHALLENGE is to be engaged and detached at the same time, STRENGTH is autonomy and HURDLE is fatalism. The worst part about this stage is INTROVERSION. U feel like being cut off from society. In my personal experiences, I was this person in DELHI. I found an inner world and a BLISS when I looked WITHIN. The third stage of EVOLUTION.
4) INTUITIVE RESPONSE (God the redeemer) This is the stage where the MIND tries to strike a BALANCE. After stage 3, u look for WISDOM. U look for GROWTH, inner growth. U are intuitive and u start questioning and look to be a better person and start thinking of issues, problems and the world at large. Here u seek qualities whose outlook is beyond wrong and right. U stop judging and u seek LOVE and acceptance. The God here is understanding, tolerant, forgiving, nonjudgmental, inclusive and accepting. Now old worries, habits of thinking, past experiences, task at hand etc don't matter much and your attention is directed towards something deeper. A wider outlook. It trusts its 'INNER VOICE' which might be either right or wrong. The 'WHO I AM' is knower within. U fit in by 'UNDERSTANDING'. In this stage anything that happens, u look for a deeper meaning, no matter what, everything is alright and it was suppose to happen and there is a purpose behind it. Soon answers will come. U find God through 'Self acceptance'. The GOOD here is clarity and truth and the BAD here is blindness, denying the truth strive to seek a balance. So the life challenge here is to go beyond 'DUALITY'. The greatest STRENGTH is insight and biggest HURDLE is delusion. The worst part about this stage is deception. In my personal experience, I would say I am here right now but only to an extent. I am looking to GROW and my mind is POSITIVE and trying to seek a BALANCE. The forth stage of EVOLUTION.
5) CREATIVE RESPONSE (God the creator) This is the stage where u discover yourself to be a CREATOR with GOD. U co create with him. All your DESIRES spring about instantaneously. In this stage u use your IMAGINATION. U are always INSPIRED and highly CREATIVE. U hold this view that what is inside the mind plays out in your reality outside. It goes beyond intuition. The God here is unlimited creative potential, control over space and time, abundant, open, generous, willing to be known and inspired. That quantam field which creates worlds is now in your disposal to a certain extent. The 'WHO AM I' is God's co creator. The 'HOW I FIT IN' is through INTENTION and FOCUS. It's here where u recognize your THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS and the manifestations in your reality. How u find God is through 'INSPIRATION'. The GOOD is higher consciousness and the BAD is lower consciousness. The biggest life CHALLENGE is to align with the creator. The greatest STRENGTH is IMAGINATION and biggest HURDLE is SELF IMPORTANCE. Albert Einstein was a genius in this stage and so are musicians like Mozart, painters such as Michelangelo and various poets etc etc.. In my personal experiences, I found that I am a creator also. There was a time when I was immensely INSPIRED and wrote a few poems and articles etc etc. Similarly, certain desires which I had, turned into manifestations. e.g I wanted a guitar which is expensive and I had no way of getting hold of it. I imagined it and my belief and faith was strong, I also thanked God in advance and soon I find out of nowhere that I am going to get that guitar. This and a few other instances confirmed that I am a creator. But it is difficult and not easy. It sometimes does not work. The 5th stage of EVOLUTION. This stage is marked by idealism.
6) VISIONARY RESPONSE (God of miracles) This is the stage where u can perform MIRACLES. This is an ENLIGHTENED stage. U know nothing but LOVE and u LOVE everybody UNCONDITIONALLY. U find a power of the unknown. U can actually play around with the quantam ENERGY and perform what it is known as MIRACLES. The God here is transformative, mystical, enlightened, beyond all causes, existing, healing, magical and alchemist. Faith healing, seers are the ones who tap into this potential. They are innumerable examples of people who have healed, who have done something out of the ordinary etc etc. Jesus Christ is an example. I cannot comprehend this stage. I have no idea. Here is where your awareness is such that u are actually GOD. What people have a belief that GOD is. The 'WHO AM I' is enlightened awareness. U fit in by 'LOVING'. U find God through Grace. There is no Good and EVIL here, u are part of the COSMIC force. The biggest life CHALLENGE is to attain LIBERATION. No personal experiences here, I am far far far from this stage. Very few reach here. The 6th level of EVOLUTION.
7)SACRED RESPONSE(God of PURE BEING 'I AM'):- This is where u go beyond the quantam field. This is where you reach the the VIRTUAL. Where nothing exist and yet everything exists. The 'I AM'. That's it, the 'I AM'. U find that this world is an illusion and it's like being DEAD and yet being ALIVE. I cannot explain this stage. There is nothing that needs to be done anymore. No karma, no reincarnation, U are 'ALL that IS', u are also 'ALL That is Not'. The God here is unborn, undying, unchanging, unmoving, unmanifest, immeasurable, invisible, intangible and infinite. Christ, Buddha etc reached here. The 'Who am I' is the SOURCE. Nah, I will never reach here. Don't think so. It's beyond the beyond. Well this the last stage of EVOLUTION.
Here is a summary:-
1)Who is God?
God is stage 1(the protector), God is stage 2(the redeemer) God is stage 3(Peace) God is stage 4(intuitive, growth, the redeemer), God is stage 5(the creator), God is stage 6(God of miracles), God is stage 7(The I AM)
2) What kind of world did God create?
Stage 1:- World of survival
Stage2:-Ego, personality
Stage 3:-World of inner solitude, self sufficiency
Stage 4:- World of insight, inner growth
Stage 5:- World of art, invention, discovery
Stage 5:- Prophets, sages and seers
Stage 6:- Transcendent world
The great secret or the most fascinating part is GOD IS WHO WE ARE OR AS WE ARE. I am no GOD, I am just an ordinary human being but according to the above explanation I am GOD. All of us are. We are all in different stages. I cannot pin point any particular stage right now but I can be anywhere at any point in my life. So for me when I am aware of this, I can be at peace, comfort and live life the way I want to.I still have a lot to learn and a lot to do in my life. I am nobody right now, just a college graduate hoping to make a career somewhere, somehow but then these realizations are very important. I might need to survive someday, right now as a 21 year old, I need to achieve etc etc and so it goes on and on.I feel, no matter what happens, I can be happy and feel God's presence. I am NEVER ALONE. We all go through all these stages in some way or the other. I think SPIRITUALISM is the key here. There is a SOUL part of us. What this SOUL is, is difficult to explain but I will someday. Right now my understanding of the above is just 5%. That's it. But I hope this article helped u in some ways. Thanks to all who have read it.